The Frantic Diary of the Month of November

Hope Springs Eternal ( -Someone, not me) - A Nanowrimo attempt

Location: Annapolis Valley, Canada

Decide to take private art lessons to see where it takes me.

Saturday, November 18


1. Amroth
2. Elf (Sindarin)
3. Male, heterosexual
4. Pale, white skin
5. Grey eyes
6. Regal features, high delicate bone structure
7. 6’7’
8. 189 lbs
9. None
10. Occasional circlet around hair
11. None
12. Sight, hearing, smell of the elder (excellent), sensing emotions, water visions
13. Domineering, yet cowed. Torn. Extroverted
14. King, lives as Silvan
15. ex, king. Still respected as such.
16. Father Amdir; dead. Mother; dead. Adoptive mother, Galadriel; loving, mentor, admiration. Galadriel husband; disagreement. Galadriel daughter, Celebrant; little sister, caring.
17. Rich, King.
18. Nimrodel’s ultimatum. Wars in youth. Tutelage by Galadriel. Silvan people, king.
19.Hates to see human injustice, loves Nimrodel to obsessive degrees, but resents her slightly. Fears never having accomplished anything. Wants to fight for something. Is used to his word being law, but is just and fair.
20. Nimrodel.
21. Best friend and traveling companion; Eanoth. Love interest; Nimrodel. Friend of friend he’s not too familiar with; Mithrellas. Horse; Talt Fera (falling cave)
22. Wants to marry Nimrodel
23. Bow, daggers
24. Amdirion (son of Amdir), indthar-peng (heart beyond bow)/ indthar-hathol (heart beyond blade), Amroth (tree/ up climber)

I made this post seperate from the last because I hope to do the other characters (not that likely)

Finally, a Character Sketch.

List from e-book in post below.

1. Name
2. Human/humanoid/other
3. Gender and sexual preferences
4. Skin type
5. Eyes
6. Facial features
7. Height
8. Weight
9. Blemishes
10. Culturally related marks (tattoos, etc.)
11. Scars (from injury -- and how does this affect the person?)
12. Senses (sight and hearing)
13. Personality (Extrovert, introvert, etc.)
14. Profession/Training
15. Status (Current position in society)
16. Family (Large Family, small? Relationship with others in family)
17. Family Wealth (Did the character grow up poor, rich)
18. Major changes (What drastic changes in life affected this character?)
19. Fears , Phobias and Traits
20. Weaknesses and Flaws (Everyone has a weakness)
21. Relationships (Friends, lovers, coworkers, neighbors)22. Goals (What does your character want to achieve?)

22. Weapons
23. Alias

Happy dances and fricken harps!

I got a e-book from the forums on thursday night, and wrote to catch up at one in the morning, so massive thanks to the inspiration of the forums themselves and 'Its a jungle out there: Nano for the new and insane, A Nanowrimo survival guide by Lezette Gifford' which reminded me why I was doing this in the first place. Not obligation or masicaism, but because I find it fun. Suddenly my muse woke from her coma and played nicely with microsoft word.

Friday was bad, lets move on.

While I didn't get any history done today, I did manage to sleep in to 1, and then attend a regional write-o-ton at starbucks, attended only by the person who organized it an myself.

Some quick stats on that:

Hours spent: 5
Word wars done: 2
Words typed: 1276
Words typed later at home: 2372
Fun had doing it with someone else: common, everyone know the mastercard comercial.

I only had one coffee, a gingerbread latte (they gave out a free sample, and I wanted more) but I had sparkling pear juice and a chocolate peanut butter bar. I also managed to mantain conversation for over 5 minutes, and only made a fool of myself a little.

Have I mentioned that it was fun? *does happy dance*

'Seadragon' 's (The organiser) book is massively intresting and complex, and made my plotless book with no originality and flat characters seem slightly less shiny, but something to aspire to I guess (image subplots and multiple characters? application of logic in discription? dialogue?)

Still, I had one character piece come toghether nicely (in the abstract, I refuse to go back and read it, because, well, I would stop writing completely). Word count on track, history down the drain, social interaction (my social worker is going to flip. My parents actully thought I was dead in a ditch or something because of how long I stayed ['bout 1:30-6:30] and how much people time I can usually stand.

Man, am I gitery. And it's not even coffee.

Or is it? Who knows what starbucks is putting in those christmas coffees? Maybe some 'holdiday cheer?'

Thursday, November 16

Third post today, you know I'm really avoiding writing

two things; one the week three pod cast mentioned elgaland vargaland, which I dutifully looked up (catch the quote? I'm obsessive) and found this... Mildly intresting, mildly peculare.

Other thing, writing tip. Run out of plot steam? Find a crappy magasine (globe, national enquirer, whatever) and read it. By the end there will be plots and scemes out the wazoo you can use, and the best part? most of them are fictional anyways.

Unfourtanly, once again, that doesn't work with elves. Ugh.

Random, Useless Fuzz

Heres a map. I'm avoiding homework, and only managed to write 68 words. Egh. These are all bad signs. I have a more detailed map, but am to lazy to fix it up. The original (minus my lines) is from Christopher Tolkien. Posted by Picasa

More conflict, and that overhanging make or break feeling that curdles stomaches like cream.

So I can tell you what the difference between glucose and sucrose is, and between hydrolisis and dehydration reactions, or where in the cell ATP is produced. I can even tell you what a triglyceride is made of (3 carbon, 3 carboxyl groups [COOH] and glycerol) but how does this help me in my story about elves who have never heard of cells or microscopes.

Well I'm not going to answer that, cause I can't do it without swearing, but its rather obvious what the answer would be.

If it weren't enought that I need to complete (polish and stuff) four labs, and fill out a chart and finish chapter notes in science (which I had planned for) I now have the history thing. Which looked even more impossible each time I look at it. People in class were asking if they could have props and the like, and I was wondering when the heck these people found time? Cause I like sleep too much for that level of quality (exempting the public humilation factor of course)

Greek religion is not as fun as made out to be either. Cool, yes, easy: no.



*lays head down and weeps on keyboard*

Poor little neglected nano. I can post blog thingys without brain cells (its not like anyone will care, with it only being me reading it, and thats only as I write) but I cannot cronologue (and make up) the adventures of Amroth with a short-circuted brain.

Despite what the crap level of the novel *coughcough* might suggest.

Is it bad that I'm debating taking a 6 hour nap right now?

Wednesday, November 15

Coffee Beans and Chocolate M&Ms

I already changed the name from sword to bow, it sounded better in Sindarin.

Anyways, my history teacher assigned an impossible project: research and then write a report that will turn into a five minute presentation complete with a poster and completely memorized (no que cards) before monday. Four fricken days. I couldn't meorize a five minute presentation in that time, let alone properly research adn adiquetly write one.

Needless to say I didn't make the 25 thou mark expected of today. And Its doubtful I will get any time for the next few days (I have buckets of science homework still being pushed off).

So I am eating comfort food, watching bones and learning about religion in ancient greece. At least I didn't get pythagerous (or however the huh thats spelt)

Tuesday, November 14

And the title is what exactly? [mouthfull of marbles]

My word count rate is hampered by my tangents into making names (its just so much fun, and addictive: totally addictive) but I think I've come up with a better title for my novel (although it could be changed again later). Anyways title? The picture is the sindarin version (Screw them not speaking it, its the only one I can translate) or the birth name Amroth's mother *coughcreativelibertycough* gave him, indathanhathol or ind athan hathol, I'm not sure on the spacing. Anyways, it translates (think green/laeg leaf/lass) to heart (inner thought, meaning, heart; to be exact) beyond blade.

Brackets are fun.

Ehg, I might change the spelling slightly, (refer you back to Legolas) but there it is.


yeah, I should probably make that shorter.

Go, Hiswelókë's Sindarin dictionary (Edition 1.6, Lexicon 0.993) ! Whee! Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 13

Posting my painstakingly created, and so brilliant, poem. Enjoy!

Minuial breitho tirad pan un rinc
Gwaloth panna na I main tew ned echuir qwelu
Galadh ha no calen edra sui lalf a thon
A I lavan uin orn galo bell a bain

Anann cil cared lim pan inc
Edhel lend hae and athan I lim gaeron
Hen o adanath garo I ennorath nedh camlann
I ardhon eden uireb bo sen pan tangado

Tinnu conui long bo cef ha no mithren
Pan nad telio ed-sui manadh sul garo hwest
I ceven herio an andrann a I brun peleth palan-
Sen no I tur echui gul

The ups and downs up being masochistic

So my word dept has been expunged, but at what cost? Not only am I certain that the quality of my writing suffered greatly, as can probably be seen in this post I have reverted to a slightly flower drivel that is not fit to be published, but I also created a massive headache that makes me want to curl up and sleep through the winter. Or at least november.


The last 400 hundred words or so were the hardest but I managed to reach quota, pulling from 2 days behind, surpasing the expected 21 671 by 174 words, each more painful than the last. The only good news is that I am taking longer than expected in plot development meaning that I shouldn't run out of story before i reach 50 000 words.

The downside?

Worse crap than usual. By an extreme margin.

Rants without meaning

So I get futher behind. I plan history. Completly ignoring how I seem to find time for forums and blogging, I blame history.

I changed my standard participant icon to one that shows my progress bar, not that that suckers moving much, but ehg.

Not much can be said for today except that I have a headache (and possibly a cold. Damn flu shot mistakes) and that it's stupid that the hanging gardens of babylon were not a product of the babylonians. Neo-Babylonians, also known as Chaldeans, sure, but not the Babylonians.

Counter intuitive naming crap

Sunday, November 12

Waxing Grumpy

Ah, family. they can always be counted upon for a good humiliation or two.

I told my parents about my story, and the glaring flaw I've found (which I'll get to after the rant) and was subjected to shaming mockery. That'll help me achive my goal! Grr.

The thing I've found in writing my story it that all those fight scenes in LOTR? Nessisary. Turns out you can't write about a journey in which there is only a journey. Horse riding, eating lambas, sleeping, horse riding, eating lambas, sleeping, singing, horse riding, eating lambas, sleeping.... you get the point.

And it's a depressing one.

Got behind on the word count, what with frantically trying to prep for a history mid term ( I missed three classes last week. ugh. sometimes i am shocked at my own stupdity and ineptitude) and I'm not sure how I'll be able to catch that up what with the shaming feeling of pointlessness gifted to me by my generous parents.

Ah, I guess I was asking for it, describing the lack of excitement. In there defense they did ask if the scenery or whether or food changed, or if the conversation was wry or witty, to all of which I had to reply a resounding no.

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