The Frantic Diary of the Month of November

Hope Springs Eternal ( -Someone, not me) - A Nanowrimo attempt

Location: Annapolis Valley, Canada

Decide to take private art lessons to see where it takes me.

Saturday, October 21

Figured Something out

In my second post of the day, I prove that I managed to figure out how to put photos on. This is one of Nimrodel, NOT DONE BY ME. The photo came from ...
I really like it, but anyways, will post my Amroth Drawing if I ever finish it, not that it will look like this.
Still, photo! Posted by Picasa

Short update, but it's the second in a row, so...

So I was looking through 'Unfinished Tales' yesterday, and found a lot of good, if conflicting information, and got a few plot point ideas, and a different place to start, earlier in the time line, which is good because I need lots and lots of words, but you can't just put them randomly, cause that defeats the purpose of 'novel' writing month.

Anyways, I have more reading to do (busy with trying to get my laptop to co-operate, not to mention homework that I continue to put them off), and then organize my thoughts into some cohesive structure.

Today I slept in, argued with my computer some more, continued to put off homework, and so got nothing done so far, but there’s still wisps of hope for this evening.

Friday, October 20

So I missed another day

I missed another day, but nothing much happened (or at least that I can remember). Went to school for 8 1/2 hours (fun!) came home, slept, ate dinner, goofed around, watched TV, did no homework, and drew a random quick (and very bad sketch) during psyche (I like that show).

Today, there was more school, and I worked on descriptive writing that I had to do, and ended up coming up with one thing that I kinda like (1 out of 8s not bad, right?) and I re-read some of my old stuff, and... well were not going to get into that.

Went out for payday lunch (pizza this week, happens every second week) and then to the library and picked up "unfinished tales", then went to the bookcase in my house and grabbed the Simarillion (which is my moms), although I didn't find any mention of either Nimrondel or Amroth in the index (can you tell I haven't read that one?).

I started on ‘Unfinished Tales’, skipping to the relevant part because I don't have 7 years to spare, and so far it’s very confusing. It's contradictory excerpts from several sources that only make sense if you've studied (seriously) the entire cannon. (Which I haven't, I'm actually still working through two towers for the second time, but have been too distracted to really get anywhere).

I also have the old lord of the rings cartoon, which is kinda funny, and the new version of the fellowship of the ring, even if it's not pure source.

The most exciting things that happened is that my DVD RW on my laptop was finally fixed in a tech support call (to the philipeans), but that has very little to do with Nano, so....

Here’s to hoping I can actually get something done before next October.

Wednesday, October 18

So, what happened to day three?

Okay, so this is what I mean by spotty.

Yesterday I actually did work on the generally thing (banner drawing, in which I figured out what hair style I want for my drawing of Amroth, and am now working on a face. I really like the scanner when I'm doing this because instead of ruining a four-hour drawing and being screwed, I print a new version off every 20 mins. I kind wish I could post some of them but have no idea how to stick pictures on this thing. If I figure it out, I will.)

I also figured out that there was more written about Amroth than I knew, which might be bad, because if there’s enough written I'll have to change topics because If he's already written it, anything I do will be crappier by default. Really, he's kinda brilliant (or was) and I'm kinda... lets just say not and leave it at that.

So today I got nothing done on my story, or anything related to it except this entry. I haven't even checked the forums. What I did do was go to school in the morning, and then cut out of history early to go on a field trip for English to "Of Mice and Men" at the Prescott (I think) theatre in Toronto. Which was fun. After not drinking anything all day (cause I usually eat when I get home, which I didn't do until 5, and I didn't make breakfast cause I wanted to be on time, which I wasn't because I realised, pulling into the school driveway, that I didn't have my laptop or my science text book, so turned and went home to get it) I ended up with a killer headache and took a nap. (yes, I take naps, and yes I am a teenager)

Anyways, that’s all folks, cause I got History, English and Science homework to do, plus I wanna watch Bones.

Monday, October 16

And on the eve of the second day...

So, not much today. I've been playing with people I constructed from parts made by Josie at because I've been shamed into attempting to make a banner (or something) for the nano site.

I've also been working on my typing skills in a free trial of Typing Master Pro, because that was another source of shame for me as I browsed the nano forums. I thought my typing speed (which improved massively when I started typing huge amounts daily) was really good, and when I tested it, it came out at around 40 wpm, whereas people in the forum were working adjusted speeds of 100 wpm.

Since it's still October, and I'm not rushing to plan a sabbat (samhain) I've decided to get as much prep work done as possible.

The other thing I worked on today (besides school, the little I did) was convincing my mom, who can write but rarely does, usually serving as an excellent, excellent editor for my crap, to join nano. I haven't been successful, and there’s a break in my campaign while she grocery shops and I work on homework, which is what I'm doing now ;) but all in all it seems to be going well so far. I still have another two week-ish-s.

Research Done: None
Plot Planning Done: None
Character or Event Outlines: None
Typing: 20 mins
Nano site: 20 mins
- Forums: 10 mins
Banner work: 1 1/2 hours

I rock at time management!

The Song of Nimrondel

My posting frequency will go down, as I get things set up, and then especially when I get busy, but hoping I'm not breaking copyright laws, I'm going to post the lyrics to the song that inspired the whole thing (I had been planning to wimp from Nano).

Lets be clear: I didn't write this song, I don't own this song, I make no money from posting this song and if someone (serious) lets me know I'm not allowed to do this, I'll take it down. I don't mean to infringe so much as bask and glorify. That said, and hopefully nothing left unsaid (I went to way to much church as a child);

The Song of Nimrondel
-transcribed by me (explaining any errors) from the jacket that came with the CD -

An Elven-maid there was of old,
A shining star by day:
Her mantle white was hemmed with gold,
Her shoes of silver-grey.

A star was bound upon her brows,
A light was on her hair
A sun upon the golden boughs
In Lorien the fair.

Her hair was long, her limbs were white,
And fair she was and free;
And in the wind she went as light
As lead on linden-tree.

Beside the falls of Nimrodel,
By water clear and cool,
Her voice as falling silver fell
Into the shining pool.

Where now she wanders none can tell,
In sunlight or in shade;
For lost of yore was Nimrodel
And in the mountains strayed.

The elven –ship in haven grey
Beneath the mountain-lee
Awaited her for many a day
Deside the roaring sea.

A wind by night in Northern lands
Rose and loud it cried,
And drove the ship from eleven-strands
Across the streaming tide.

When dawn came dim the land was lost,
The mountains sinking grey
Beyond the heaving waves that tossed
Their plumes of blinding spray.

Amroth beheld the fading shore
Now low beyond the swell,
And cursed the faithless ship that bore
Him far from Nimrodel.

Of old he was an Elven-King,
A lord of tree and glen,
When golden were the boughs in spring
In fair Lothlorien.

From helm to sea they saw him leap,
As arrow from the string;
And dive into the water deep,
As mew upon the wing.

The wind was in his flowing hair,
The foam about him shone;
Afar they saw him strong and fair
Go riding like a swan

But from the West has come no word,
And on the hither Shore
No tiding Elven-fold have heard
Of Amroth evermore.

If you want to hear a thirty-second snippet of the song, go here:
I have the song ripped from CD, but I'm not sure (even more than I'm not sure about the lyrics) about my rights to post it here (which I don't think exist)

Hoping not to be repetitive

First try at Nanowrimo ( and I'm going to see if I can keep a process, and pieces, but considering I'm going to be trying to write a 50 000 word story, I might not have time.

So, what exactly is it that I'm working with?

In the LOTR there's reference to Nimrodel (there’s a stream named after her in the Golden woods : Lothlorien), and a song about her. The song is on one of the 4 (i think) CD's done by the Tolkien ensemble (oh, has anyone seen the old animated movie? FUNNY, and so very, very sad).

I have one of the CD's, although I'd love to get the others (I spent all my money on a new laptop and am broke, broke, broke) , and on the one I have "At Dawn in Rivendell" ( or - note that I'm not encouraging you to buy it, although I would if I had money, but pointing you in the right direction, if you're at all interested) has a song on it called "The Song of Nimrodel"

Between listing to that song (my favourite on the CD), arguing with my mother about what the song was saying, (she's read the LOTR trilogy every years for the last 25 or so years) and looking him up on this site that I love (besides google) ( I decided I didn't like the ending to the story of Amroth, and wanted to give him (an Elven King) a story of his own (even if he wouldn't have wanted it, and Tolkien is tossing in his grave).

Now, if you have no idea what I'm talking about (which I barely do) and really don't want to follow the links (who does) then I'll give you slight back-story on him.

He fell in love with Nimrodel, who had issues (is not really important to the slight back story) with him. He finally managed to extract a promise of marriage from her, and as he was waiting on the ship for her (to take them where they were going, which is long and complicated and will only make sense if you know you're LOTR) and the ship starting leaving, and so he jumped off the ship, into the water and drowned, while she was lollygagging distractedly in the mountains.

Anyways, I didn't like the idea of an Elf-King just drowning, it seems so wrong, and there is life in the characters, even if very little plot for them. There are my ambitions, even if not plainly

I want to write the story of Amroth.


So, I've had an msn blog before, updated about twice a year, and all very dramatic angst that only artists and teenagers can do. (I'm the latter)

So, about me...

I'm 16, and I live in the GTA (Ontario, Canada, Earth). I'm female, and go to high school. I have a variety of interests, but the only one that matters for this blog is writing.

I write fiction (poor quality, but I do), mostly fanfic because I just love playing in other people’s sandboxes. Fanfic, if you didn't know, if fiction done by fans about a particular thing; movie, book... using pre-created ideas and characters and playing with them. I tend to gravitate towards anything Buffy related, and am going through an intense Crossover obsession, directly on the heels of my Spuffy bender, and if you don't know what that is... good for you! (no, seriously it's a very unhealthy obsession, or at least in my case. I guess there are some casual fanfic-ers)

The reason I started this blog, was because this year I got up the guts (or stupidity) to sign up for Nanowrimo, which if you're to lazy to go to the site, breaks down into National Novel Writing Month. Basically, crazed people try to write 50 000 words (about 200 pages) in one month.

I've written heavily over the last year in particular, but nothing that ambitious before, and considering I'm bogged down with hours of homework, not to mention school, it may just be an act of supreme stupidity. But I only lose small amounts of self-respect if I fail, which I can rationalize write back up, but I think I might (brace yourself for a cliché) lose something bigger if I don't even try.

Now, if someone started reading this, and is still reading this, I have to say I'm surprised, but I'm going to write it as if someone is. As you have probably (or possibly not) discerned by now I can't spell work a flying monkey. (I saw wicked tonight, and it was awesome! And I’ve started putting my blog into word, and then coping it back in so the spelling should be less sucky. If only I could do that for content.) I have delusions of grandeur, and am easily distracted as well as mightily ambitious.

You still with me?

Now, my project (plan) for November is to write a Lord of the Rings (LOTR) fanfic piece, which will be the first non-Buffy pure fic I've attempted. It also is a wonderful example of my stupidity because Tolkien was a brilliant man and an extraordinary author. I'm neither brilliant nor exceedingly talented. What I do have, are annoying little plot bunnies (ideas for stories that multiply until you can think of nothing else) bouncing nosily in my brain.

And a new and pretty laptop (although the DVD player is being a poop head).

Now, before you start sending flames (which presupposes anyone is caring) I do not plan on re-writing his books. What I plan on doing is using a germ of an idea (with an ending I didn't like) and expanding on it. It was unimportant to his main story, and so mostly left, and I am a hungry vulture defacing the carcases of his art.

Should be fun.

And stressing, because although I have no illusions that I can write comparable prose, I do want to make it as similar as possible (meaning re-reading the series, the Silmarillion, and anything else I can get my hands on before Nov, as well as re-watching the movies for good measure.) which I'm pretty sure is beyond the scope of my abilities.

The good thing? I am not looking to get this piece published (illegal, copyrights, etc) so if it turns out to be crap, I bury it deep in a folder somewhere am hope the next one's better.

Contingency plan: If I can't expand the idea I have enough, I'll do a short little anthology of related expanded stories to get my word count, but right now I'm planning on thinking up plot.

Anyways, after a good hearty ramble, I have to say... well I forget, but here's the journey of the descent to madness.


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