My posting frequency will go down, as I get things set up, and then especially when I get busy, but hoping I'm not breaking copyright laws, I'm going to post the lyrics to the song that inspired the whole thing (I had been planning to wimp from Nano).
Lets be clear: I didn't write this song, I don't own this song, I make no money from posting this song and if someone (serious) lets me know I'm not allowed to do this, I'll take it down. I don't mean to infringe so much as bask and glorify. That said, and hopefully nothing left unsaid (I went to way to much church as a child);
The Song of Nimrondel
-transcribed by me (explaining any errors) from the jacket that came with the CD -
An Elven-maid there was of old,
A shining star by day:
Her mantle white was hemmed with gold,
Her shoes of silver-grey.
A star was bound upon her brows,
A light was on her hair
A sun upon the golden boughs
In Lorien the fair.
Her hair was long, her limbs were white,
And fair she was and free;
And in the wind she went as light
As lead on linden-tree.
Beside the falls of Nimrodel,
By water clear and cool,
Her voice as falling silver fell
Into the shining pool.
Where now she wanders none can tell,
In sunlight or in shade;
For lost of yore was Nimrodel
And in the mountains strayed.
The elven –ship in haven grey
Beneath the mountain-lee
Awaited her for many a day
Deside the roaring sea.
A wind by night in Northern lands
Rose and loud it cried,
And drove the ship from eleven-strands
Across the streaming tide.
When dawn came dim the land was lost,
The mountains sinking grey
Beyond the heaving waves that tossed
Their plumes of blinding spray.
Amroth beheld the fading shore
Now low beyond the swell,
And cursed the faithless ship that bore
Him far from Nimrodel.
Of old he was an Elven-King,
A lord of tree and glen,
When golden were the boughs in spring
In fair Lothlorien.
From helm to sea they saw him leap,
As arrow from the string;
And dive into the water deep,
As mew upon the wing.
The wind was in his flowing hair,
The foam about him shone;
Afar they saw him strong and fair
Go riding like a swan
But from the West has come no word,
And on the hither Shore
No tiding Elven-fold have heard
Of Amroth evermore.
If you want to hear a thirty-second snippet of the song, go here: have the song ripped from CD, but I'm not sure (even more than I'm not sure about the lyrics) about my rights to post it here (which I don't think exist)