The Frantic Diary of the Month of November

Hope Springs Eternal ( -Someone, not me) - A Nanowrimo attempt

Location: Annapolis Valley, Canada

Decide to take private art lessons to see where it takes me.

Wednesday, October 18

So, what happened to day three?

Okay, so this is what I mean by spotty.

Yesterday I actually did work on the generally thing (banner drawing, in which I figured out what hair style I want for my drawing of Amroth, and am now working on a face. I really like the scanner when I'm doing this because instead of ruining a four-hour drawing and being screwed, I print a new version off every 20 mins. I kind wish I could post some of them but have no idea how to stick pictures on this thing. If I figure it out, I will.)

I also figured out that there was more written about Amroth than I knew, which might be bad, because if there’s enough written I'll have to change topics because If he's already written it, anything I do will be crappier by default. Really, he's kinda brilliant (or was) and I'm kinda... lets just say not and leave it at that.

So today I got nothing done on my story, or anything related to it except this entry. I haven't even checked the forums. What I did do was go to school in the morning, and then cut out of history early to go on a field trip for English to "Of Mice and Men" at the Prescott (I think) theatre in Toronto. Which was fun. After not drinking anything all day (cause I usually eat when I get home, which I didn't do until 5, and I didn't make breakfast cause I wanted to be on time, which I wasn't because I realised, pulling into the school driveway, that I didn't have my laptop or my science text book, so turned and went home to get it) I ended up with a killer headache and took a nap. (yes, I take naps, and yes I am a teenager)

Anyways, that’s all folks, cause I got History, English and Science homework to do, plus I wanna watch Bones.


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