The Frantic Diary of the Month of November

Hope Springs Eternal ( -Someone, not me) - A Nanowrimo attempt

Location: Annapolis Valley, Canada

Decide to take private art lessons to see where it takes me.

Monday, October 16

Hoping not to be repetitive

First try at Nanowrimo ( and I'm going to see if I can keep a process, and pieces, but considering I'm going to be trying to write a 50 000 word story, I might not have time.

So, what exactly is it that I'm working with?

In the LOTR there's reference to Nimrodel (there’s a stream named after her in the Golden woods : Lothlorien), and a song about her. The song is on one of the 4 (i think) CD's done by the Tolkien ensemble (oh, has anyone seen the old animated movie? FUNNY, and so very, very sad).

I have one of the CD's, although I'd love to get the others (I spent all my money on a new laptop and am broke, broke, broke) , and on the one I have "At Dawn in Rivendell" ( or - note that I'm not encouraging you to buy it, although I would if I had money, but pointing you in the right direction, if you're at all interested) has a song on it called "The Song of Nimrodel"

Between listing to that song (my favourite on the CD), arguing with my mother about what the song was saying, (she's read the LOTR trilogy every years for the last 25 or so years) and looking him up on this site that I love (besides google) ( I decided I didn't like the ending to the story of Amroth, and wanted to give him (an Elven King) a story of his own (even if he wouldn't have wanted it, and Tolkien is tossing in his grave).

Now, if you have no idea what I'm talking about (which I barely do) and really don't want to follow the links (who does) then I'll give you slight back-story on him.

He fell in love with Nimrodel, who had issues (is not really important to the slight back story) with him. He finally managed to extract a promise of marriage from her, and as he was waiting on the ship for her (to take them where they were going, which is long and complicated and will only make sense if you know you're LOTR) and the ship starting leaving, and so he jumped off the ship, into the water and drowned, while she was lollygagging distractedly in the mountains.

Anyways, I didn't like the idea of an Elf-King just drowning, it seems so wrong, and there is life in the characters, even if very little plot for them. There are my ambitions, even if not plainly

I want to write the story of Amroth.


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