The Frantic Diary of the Month of November

Hope Springs Eternal ( -Someone, not me) - A Nanowrimo attempt

Location: Annapolis Valley, Canada

Decide to take private art lessons to see where it takes me.

Saturday, October 21

Short update, but it's the second in a row, so...

So I was looking through 'Unfinished Tales' yesterday, and found a lot of good, if conflicting information, and got a few plot point ideas, and a different place to start, earlier in the time line, which is good because I need lots and lots of words, but you can't just put them randomly, cause that defeats the purpose of 'novel' writing month.

Anyways, I have more reading to do (busy with trying to get my laptop to co-operate, not to mention homework that I continue to put them off), and then organize my thoughts into some cohesive structure.

Today I slept in, argued with my computer some more, continued to put off homework, and so got nothing done so far, but there’s still wisps of hope for this evening.


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