The Frantic Diary of the Month of November

Hope Springs Eternal ( -Someone, not me) - A Nanowrimo attempt

Location: Annapolis Valley, Canada

Decide to take private art lessons to see where it takes me.

Saturday, November 18

Finally, a Character Sketch.

List from e-book in post below.

1. Name
2. Human/humanoid/other
3. Gender and sexual preferences
4. Skin type
5. Eyes
6. Facial features
7. Height
8. Weight
9. Blemishes
10. Culturally related marks (tattoos, etc.)
11. Scars (from injury -- and how does this affect the person?)
12. Senses (sight and hearing)
13. Personality (Extrovert, introvert, etc.)
14. Profession/Training
15. Status (Current position in society)
16. Family (Large Family, small? Relationship with others in family)
17. Family Wealth (Did the character grow up poor, rich)
18. Major changes (What drastic changes in life affected this character?)
19. Fears , Phobias and Traits
20. Weaknesses and Flaws (Everyone has a weakness)
21. Relationships (Friends, lovers, coworkers, neighbors)22. Goals (What does your character want to achieve?)

22. Weapons
23. Alias


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