The Frantic Diary of the Month of November

Hope Springs Eternal ( -Someone, not me) - A Nanowrimo attempt

Location: Annapolis Valley, Canada

Decide to take private art lessons to see where it takes me.

Monday, October 23

Everything looks shinier on monday; the hell fire makes the pokers glint

So I've been reading forums, and blog pages and doing searches; anything to avoid the sentence homework, and there were tips on how to get your readers up, which I'm going to attempt to employ, because I want feedback once this actually starts going (now doesn't really matter) and I'm too lost in a sea of blogs to get any. Seriously, my visitor count is at like 23, all of which were me, checking to see if my things had posted properly. And then hitting refresh to get the counter farther away from the sad little number of one.

Anyways... - about promoting your blog suggests a couple of things, including:

  • play with settings (which I'm gonna try to do after this)
  • polish your content (that would involve spell check wouldn't it?)
  • quantity (which will go even further down in November)
    write well (um... )
  • know your audience (so what do you do if you know no one but you will want to read it? I guess just resign yourself to that facts, oh well, keeps me amused)

Another thing it mentioned was to link to other blogs (which only works if someone actually lands here, but... I've done a couple of google (I love google) searches for blogs, just to get a better feel of the general community, and there kinda random, monopolized by the actual nano blog

but I thought I'd post the rest of the ones I found (but didn't extensively check out)

They got all smushed together in my notepad so I'm not sure they're all right, but there they are. Another thing it said to do (although it warned that it would piss people off, but seriously, no ones here anyways, so if they come and go, there’s not really a huge downside) is put in generally searched keywords. (I can't even find it with keywords on google. There are so many blogs, on so many things)

Amroth. Nimrodel. Tolkien. Nanowrimo. November. Canada. Fiction. Writing. Blog. Diary. Contests. Project. Time. Cow.

I don't know how cow relates to my topic, but you can never go wrong with a good cow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Nice blog, was just looking at random blogs and found yours!!!


2:50 p.m.  
Blogger Amai said...

thanks, always nice to get a little break from the pointless feeling one finds in lack of comments. :)

7:03 p.m.  

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